Summer really feels to be waning around here, faster than I'd like it to be. The weather this summer seems to have been weird everywhere, with friends and family on the east coast talking about the incessant rain and lack of sweltering days. We've had a particularly gray one here, with the mornings and evenings hidden behind cool, thick clouds with the warm sun breaking through for a few hours in between. It's typical June gloom that just didn't end in June. We've still managed to make the most of it though, and this weekend felt like what we've come to expect of Southern Cali.


{wished I'd had a tripod}

There was a movie night at our friend's Alexa and Robert's, and they pulled out all the stops. Pizza, ice cream cones, popcorn, sleeping bags, and Jungle Book, all outdoors. What more could these little people ask for? 


Then in honor of Matt turning 35, we met some friends at the beach. The fact that it was a gorgeous day, no fog in sight, was a gift to Matt in and of itself. There were lots of little bare tushies running around, most notably Nico, who has long refused to wear a bathing suit. We haven't broken it to him that this may be the last summer to bare his dimpled booty.




Hope you're savoring these last few weeks of summer!