







Things have indeed been hectic around here lately. My work schedule as well as Matt's seem to have both been on overdrive, we're still adjusting to kindergarten and a crazy early pick up time (ever cram 8 hours of work into 4?), we've got a new house with architects and contractors, there have been back-to-school nights, parent-association dinners, planning and shopping for dinner to be made every night, and there are always a million little things that can so easily fall through the cracks. Did I make Mateo's 6-month dental cleaning appointment? Check. Did I get to the DMV to replace the license that some tiny little hands decided to take out and bury somewhere in the house, and who now has no idea where he hid it? Check. Do I make an appointment for the boys to get swine flu shots? Not sure about that one yet. 

Anyway, you get the idea. This weekend was no exception really. I mean it took me almost all morning yesterday to realize that I had buttoned Nico's PJs wrong the night before.  So while the world seems to be swirling around too fast, we decided to take it on ourselves to do a little purging/reorganizing. The kids said goodbye to 4 large moving boxes worth of toys. Lucky for me there were no tears. Next up is the pantry, because god only knows what state the food is in that back shelf. The stuff that's designated for "earthquakes' that literally doesn't see the light of day, and that you hope you replace before the "Big One" actually comes.

There were a few moments of reprieve: there were golden raspberries, the popcorn and pizza in front of "Night at the Museum," the electric car show, lots of puzzles, a birthday party, and my favorite, a few glimpses of Fall in the trees. Here in our perpetually mild, sun-soaked state, it really is a sight.