My boy was in heaven. If heaven was called Traveltown, then Jude had officially arrived. This boy of only 26 months in the world already knows that he loves trains. How is this possible? (And I don't think it's strictly by osmosis from his older brothers.) Even though I watched Mateo and Nico go through the same fascination, I can't help but wonder just what it is about wheels that so captivates the mind of a little boy? It's a mystery I know I'll never really understand. But I also know that knowing isn't really necessary and as long as I can provide the opportunity for them to relish in the splendor of locomotives, airplanes, racecars, tow trucks, buses, vans, UPS trucks and 18-wheeler semis, and watch them look as happy as Jude was on this day, then bring on the wheels I say.
And what could he be watching, you ask? If you answered Wheels on the Bus, you'd be right…"round and round…all day long." !!!