
I know I'm not alone in saying that I'm glad the month of June is over. It seemed as if everyone I knew was going through something major in their lives. Mostly not good. One friend postulated that maybe it was all a precursor to the world really ending in 2012. No, but seriously, it has not been an easy few weeks. I'll spare the details. What hasn't exactly helped is the weather. The sky. We here at the southern coast of California are used to the seasonal phenomenon known amusingly as "June Gloom," where there is a perpetual layer of clouds that blanket us until…July. But it's now July, and the sky today looks exactly like the one in the photo above. Even two extra weeks of it is just too much.

So to try and break myself out of this little (hopefully momentary) funk:

I will eat all the blackberries I can get my hands on. I'm nerdy that way.

My boys and I will make lots of new things involving dough.

I will sign up to learn something new.

I'll remember to keep it simple.    

And keep in mind that soon we'll be right back where we want to be.