



That's the question, at least to my children who've been battling major mucus the past week or so. People sometimes as ask me what I give to them when they're sick, and truthfully, other than getting rid of any refined sugar, and giving them lots of tea, and a chewable probiotic, that was pretty much it. Then I came across this funny, folksy little book called A Kids Herb Book by herbalist Lesley Tierra, and got a lot more ideas of how to use herbs and spices to help quell their symptoms. The drink above tastes mostly like warm lemonade, and I give them about a half a cup at a time, a couple of times a day. I just make sure to strain out the garlic after it's steeped in there for a few minutes. There are recipes for throat lozenges, and for making your own herbal pills (eek!), but mostly we've stayed with the teas, syrups and bath formulas. All of them smell amazing and seem to work their own little magic. Maybe someday I'll tape a umeboshi plum to my navel. The photo sure is amusing. 
