To keep Mateo interested in photography, I bought him this little Lego digital camera a few months ago: 


Since then, I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen him use it. I try not to be too pushy about stuff like this, either he's into it or he's not, and I truthfully kind of forgot about it. But recently we brought it out for a photography class he's taking after school, and when I went to see what, if anything, was on there, there were more pictures than I ever thought possible, probably around 300 pictures. He must have been doing it all on the sly. There were lots and lots of pictures of his toys, his books, his green blanket, stuff he looks at everyday and has an attachment to. But there were also some portraits that he took while we were driving somewhere (where or when this was, I couldn't tell you.)

Together they mirror, I think perfectly, just who he is: extremely silly, often dramatic, occasionally sad, but usually happy. Finding them taught me to remember that there are many layers to a child that aren't apparent but are captured in ways you can't expect. 







