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Three boys. Three different eyes. Three different hands. Three different everything in fact. I would say the only trait that really binds them is their dark curly brown hair. But Jude's hair, as with his eyes, are still light as can be, even blonde in some spots. Blonde. So curly, probably, but not likely dark brown. Such is the beautiful melting pot inherent with bi-racial children–you're never sure exactly which genes, which part of a family's vast set of traits will chose to express itself in each particular child. Fascinating, I say. In fact, both of Matt's siblings each have children who mirror this very thing. One darker-skinned, brown-eyed boy, and one lighter-skinned blue (even green) eyed boy. I like to call it the "Posy Stamp," named after their mother who had blue eyes, white skin, and lighter brown hair, compared to the typically African-American traits of their father. 

I hadn't realized how accustomed I'd been to looking into the dark honey-brown eyes of my older sons, until Jude's bluish, grayish ones stared up at me not long after he was born. Now as I spend much of my day looking at that face, Mateo and Nico's brown eyes seem almost new and unique. I look at them as if they were a part of me I'd almost forgotten about. 

It makes me further appreciate the work of artist Kip Fulbeck who's long studied multi-racial identities and illustrates through his Hapa Project just how beautiful these variations can be. Variations that I hope will only unite these brothers. Alike in their uniqueness.