
Life is what has been going on these past two months, as basic and lame as that sounds. Enough life has been going on that I have felt completely devoid of almost all creative expression. I’ve only picked up my camera a few times, namely for things I just need to photograph like my sweet son’s 9th birthday last week. I haven’t felt inspired to cook, make, create…anything. It’s been a strange time for me as someone who usually creates because it’s compulsive. It’s one of the things that makes me feel alive.

So now I feel like I’m catching up, which is okay I think.

I’ll begin with Nico. Who is a perfect reason to come back to this space to reflect. On the occasion of turning 9, he wanted three things: cupcakes from Sprinkles (above),

A video game truck for him a 13 his friends:


And chicken tenders from Reddi Chick:



We were happy to oblige of course. This boy of ours who is always so willing to lend a hand, an ear, a shoulder to those who need it. A true, loving soul, that one. He is a living inspiration for me to keep my heart open and wide for all. I feel so lucky to have been chosen to watch him continue to grow into an extraordinary human being.